Increase performance and engagement in four minutes

Are you a manager? Do you have people reporting in to you? If this is you, I would like to share a gift with you a gift that will keep on giving… if you take the gift and use it to its full and intended potential.

How did I come across this gift? I develop leaders who are world changers and a realisation that I had… some time back already and recently put into application is that in order to be an effective manager you first have to be an effective leader. This post is not about becoming a leader, that’s a whole other piece of work. What this post is, is my summary of a world renowned book on management. A summary which I have written down in a way that shows a process broken down into four key steps I find this easier to put into action. Each step taking no longer than one minute (okay maybe two) to read, each step taking no longer than one minute to apply :0) I ask only one thing in sharing this with you Once you have read and immersed yourself in these steps that you share this with your network I hope that in creating this summary I have done this book and its authors all the honour and respect that they deserve. THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER Ken Blachard & Spencer Johnson

“Effective Managers manage themselves and the people they work with so that both the organisation and the people profit from their presence”

In order to embody the above it is important that you care about people and about results. Always remember that the road to results is happy people

“People who feel good about themselves produce good results”

Step 1 Spend time with the person at the start of a new task or responsibility (e.g. the person is new to the job or role) NO SURPRISES

“Always make it clear what their responsibilities are and what they are being held accountable for”

If the task/role/project  completely new to them tell and show them how, if they are experienced ask them to tell you how Let them know what great performance looks like Make your expected standards clear Make performance standards clear Make clear how their role (responsibilities/account-abilities) contributes to the team and organisation goals Let them know that you want them to succeed, that you want them to be a big help to the organisation and that you want them to enjoy their work Let them know that whilst they are learning the new skill/process/activity that you will stay in close contact with them and will give them crystal clear feedback on how they are doing Let them know that you will let them know in no uncertain terms when they are doing well and when they are doing poorly

Step 2 Set clear goals for each responsibility

“Set stepping stone goals which over time build to achieve the big goal”

Focus on the 20% which will create the biggest results

Focus on input (actions/behaviours) to achieve the outputs Make each goal SMART e.g I will ask open questions using words like explain and describe to start my open question off I will have a quality conversation (insert definition of quality definition) with 5 key stakeholder (insert definition of key stakeholders) each day Keep each goal to no more than 250 words Whilst they are learning the new skill/process stay in close contact with them through Observation – Observe what and how they are doing what they are learning to do Ask for a detailed progress report on what and how they are doing. “Help people reach their full potential, catch them doing something right”

Step 3 Develop your people, let them know what they are doing right – Give praise

“The highest performing organisations have been found to give a ratio of (praise) 5.1:1 (reprimand)”

Give praise as soon after the desired action as is possible Make it in person Be consistent Make it about the action/behaviour Do it in a way that lets the person know you care and that you want them to prosper Look the person in the eyes Tell them specifically what it was that they did right Tell them how it made you/the person on the receiving end feel Afirm how continuation of that behaviour/action will lead to success e.g. “Name, when you worked till eight to ensure that you finished the report you committed to send to me. This dedication really gives me the confidence that you will do the necessary work to deliver. This effort enabled us to send our quote across to our client far earlier than we originally promised and the client commented that they were very impressed with our professional work. Keep this up”

Step 4 – Provide Constructive Development Feedback

“The person’s behaviour is not okay, the person however is okay”

When the person makes a significant mistake let them know immediately Do it in person First confirm the facts Look them straight in the eyes and tell them precisely what they have done wrong. Make it about the actions/behaviour Tell them how this made you/the person on the receiving end feel Let them know how competent you know they usually are and that the reason you are angry with them is because of the respect you have for them. Let them know that you know this is not like them and that you look forward to seeing them next time. Let them know that you will not welcome that same mistake again Make sure that when the reprimand is over, its over

Of course there is so much more to be gained from the book/audio-book such as why each of these steps work so well therefore I highly recommend that if you haven’t already done so, purchase it and make it a part of your essential reading!

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